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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "且", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "且", and master the standard way of writing the character "且".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 且
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "且" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
且 (qiě)
1. 尚、还,表示进一层: 既高且大。尚且。况且。
- Still, also; indicates a further level: Already tall and big.
- Moreover, still; what’s more.
2. 表示暂时:苟且偷安。姑且。
- Indicates temporarily: Just keeping peace.
- For the time being.
3. 表示将要、将近:城且拔矣。年且九十。
- Indicates about to; nearly: The city is about to be captured.
- Approaching ninety years old.
4. 一面这样,一面那样:且走且说。
- On the one hand this way, on the other that way: Both walking and talking.
5. 表示经久:这双鞋且穿呢!
- Indicates a long time: This pair of shoes has been worn for a long time!
6. 文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”相似:且说。
- A classical Chinese discourse particle, used at the beginning of sentences; similar to "夫": Let’s say.
7. 姓。
- A surname.
且 (qiě)
- 此,这; 今 [this]
- 匪且有且,匪今斯今。——《诗·周颂·载芟》。毛传:“且,此也。”
1. 将近;几乎 [almost; nearly]
- 年且九十。——《列子·汤问》
- Approaching ninety years old.
2. 将要 [be going to; will; shall]
- 会且归矣,无庶予子憎。——《诗·齐风》
- Going to return.
3. 暂且;姑且 [just; for the time being]
- 且往观乎?——《诗·郑风》
- Shall we go and take a look?
4. 用来加强语气,表示某事物的极端的、假设的或不可能有的情况或事例 [even].
- 如:死且不怕,况困难乎。
- Even death is nothing to fear, let alone difficulties.
5. 〈方〉∶表示需要或可以延续很长时间 [for a long time].
- 如:这笔且用呢;他且来不了呢。
- This money can be used for now; he won’t be able to come for a long time.
6. 表示并列关系,相当于“又”、“而且” [and].
- 君子有酒,旨且多。——《诗·小雅》
- The gentleman has wine, and it is delicious.
7. 又…又。连用以表示两件事同时并进 [both…and…].
- 如:既高且大;且战且退。
- Both tall and big; fighting and retreating at the same time.
8. 表示选择关系,相当于“抑或”、“或者” [or].
- 如:“王以天下为尊秦乎?且尊齐乎”——《战国策》
- Is the king considering making Qin the most respected state? Or making Qi the respected one?
9. 表示递进关系,相当于“尚且”、“况且” [moreover].
- 如:且焉置土石。——《列子·汤问》
- Moreover, where can soil and stones be placed?
10. 表示假设关系,相当于“若”、“假如” [if].
- 如:且静郭君听 辨而为之也,必无今日之患也。——《吕氏春秋》
- If only the prince could listen quietly, there would be no trouble today.
11. 尚且,还
- 臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞。——《史记·项羽本纪》
- I would not avoid death; how could I refuse a cup of wine?
另见 jū
此外,且 (jū)
1. 用在句末,相当于“啊”。
- Used at the end of a sentence, similar to "ah".
2. 另见 qiě
- See also qiě.