慢 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 慢
Stroke Order Diagrams for 慢
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 慢
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 慢
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "慢" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "慢" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 慢
慢 [màn]
1. Delayed, slow; opposite of "fast".
- Examples: 慢车 (slow train), 慢件 (slow parcel), 慢腾腾 (slowly), 慢条斯理 (leisurely), 缓慢 (slow), 迟慢 (delayed), 慢性 (chronic).
2. Cold attitude, unenthusiastic, impolite.
- Examples: 慢待 (to treat coldly), 轻慢 (to slight), 傲慢 (arrogant), 怠慢 (neglect).
**Additional Meanings**
1. Same original meaning ([En.] despise; look down on).
- References: 《说文》: 慢,一曰不畏也 (to be unafraid), 《广雅》: 慢,惰也 (laziness).
2. To slight ([En.] slight; cold-shoulder).
- Example: 慢客 (to neglect guests).
3. To indulge; uncontrollably ([En.] indulge).
- Example: 慢散 (carefree; disorganized).
4. To deceive or hoodwink ([En.] deceive; hoodwink).
- Reference: 《韩非子·说林上》: 田驷东慢齐侯,南欺荆王.
5. To plaster ([En.] plaster).
1. Lazy ([En.] idle; lazy).
- Example: 慢憧 (lazy and hesitant).
2. Not timely, late ([En.] late; tardy).
3. Slow, extending from walking slowly ([En.] slow).
- Example: 慢慢交 (slowly; without hurry).
4. Proud; arrogant ([En.] proud).
- Example: 慢世 (arrogance).
5. Unfamiliar; rusty ([En.] unfamiliar; rusty).
- Example: 慢仗 (inexperienced in martial arts).
6. Full and round ([En.] full and round).
- Example: 慢脸 (full face).
In vain ([En.] in vain).
- Reference: 《水浒传》: 麒麟慢有擎天才,怎出军师妙计中 (mocking the cleverness of a strategist).
very slow / exasperatingly slow
slow and patient / chronic (disease) / slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
Stay a bit! / Wait a minute! / (to a departing guest) Take care!
leisurely / unhurried / sluggish
take your time / take it easy
jogging / to jog / to canter / a slow trot
disrespectful / be insolent and rude
to wait a moment / do not go too soon