Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "悠", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "悠", and master the standard way of writing the character "悠".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 悠
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "悠" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
悠 [yōu]
1. Long; distant; lasting: 悠久 (long-lasting); 悠远 (distant); 悠扬 (to wave or float).
2. To swing in the air: 悠荡 (to sway); 晃悠 (to sway or shake); 转悠 (to turn around).
3. To stabilize; to control: 悠着点劲 (take it easy).
4. Leisurely; relaxed: 悠闲 (leisurely); 悠然 (at ease); 悠忽 (describing an idle, relaxed state); 悠缓 (slow and leisurely).
- 悠然 (the appearance of being at ease); 悠忧 (an expression of worry).
【Derived Meanings】
1. To miss; long for; think of:
- 《说文》: 悠,忧也 (To miss is to worry).
- 《尔雅》: 悠,思也 (To think is to long for).
- 《诗·小雅·十月之交》: 悠悠我里 (I long for my home).
2. To sway:
- Monkeys swing from one branch to another, passing through dense forest; with a gentle swing, it can be lifted; 悠搭 (dialect for swaying).
3. To do things leisurely:
- 《儿女英雄传》: “Take it easy, old man! I'm not a family flower who you can tell where to go.”
悠 [yōu]
1. Long; distant:
- 《国语·吴语》: 今吾道路悠远 (My road is long).
- 《史记·司马相如传》: 悠远长怀 (Emotions distant and long).
- 《晋书》: 江山悠隔,朝宗无阶 (Rivers and mountains are far apart).
2. Fluttering appearance:
- 《文选·张衡·东京赋》: 建辰旒之太常,纷焱悠以容裔 (Flying banners fluttering in the wind).
3. Leisurely appearance:
- 《饮酒二十首》: 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山 (Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, I leisurely see the southern mountain).
4. Numerous:
- 《牡丹亭》: 看福寿有,子女悠 (Looking at wealth and longevity, many children and grandchildren).
- 悠然自得 (being carefree); 悠闲 (leisure).
- 悠悠 (numerous; many).