Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "怍", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "怍", and master the standard way of writing the character "怍".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 怍
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "怍" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
怍 [zuò]
1. 惭愧:be ashamed
- 例句:惭~。愧~。仰不愧于天,俯不~于人。
- Example: Feel ashamed. Regretful. Look up and feel no shame before heaven, look down and feel no shame before others.
2. (脸色)改变:change complexion
- 例句:“将即席,容毋~。”
- Example: "As you are about to take a seat, do not change your complexion."
引 (References):
1. 《说文》:怍,惭也。从心,作省声。按,乍声。
- "Zuo means shame. Comprised of heart, it produces a sound of clearance."
2. 《礼记·曲礼》:容无怍。
- "One's expression should have no shame."
3. 《礼记·祭义》:孝子临尸而不怍。
- "A filial son approaches the corpse without shame."
4. 《公羊传·宣公六年》:灵公心怍焉。
- "Duke Ling felt ashamed in his heart."
5. 《聊斋志异·促织》:自憎惭怍。
- "He despises and feels ashamed himself."
2. 面色改变:change complexion
- 例句:颜色毋怍。注:“谓变其容貌。”
- Example: One's color should not change, note: "Refers to changing one's appearance."
引 (References):
1. 《管子·弟子职》:颜色毋怍。
- "One's complexion should not change."
2. 《礼记·曲礼》:将即席,容毋怍。
- "As you are about to take a seat, do not change your complexion."
3. 〔㤉(yá)~〕心多奸诈:Heart is full of trickery.