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胙 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 胙

胙 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 胙

胙 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 胙

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 胙

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 胙

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "胙" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胙 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "胙" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 胙 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 胙

Pinyin zuò
9 strokes
confer upon / sacrificial flesh
胙 [zuò] 名 1. 古代祭祀时供的肉。 (En. sacrificial meat) 2. 福佑。 (En. bless) 例: “天地所胙。” (En. "Heaven and Earth blesses.") 3. 古同“祚”,指君位。 (En. same as '祚', referring to the throne) 4. 赐予。 (En. grant) 例: 胙土 (En. the act of granting land by a ruler to a meritorious subject) 引 1. 《说文》:胙,祭福肉也。 (En. "Zuo, the meat offered in sacrifices for blessings.") 2. 《尔雅》:夏曰福胙。 (En. "In summer, it's called blessings offering.") 3. 《左传·僖公九年》:王使宰孔赐齐侯胙。 (En. "The king sends the prime minister to bestow sacrificial meat to the Duke of Qi.") 4. 《周礼·膳夫》:彻王之胙俎。注: “主人饮食之俎皆为胙俎。” (En. "The sacrificial table of the king; note that all dining tables for the host are sacrificial tables.") 5. 《管子·小问》:祝凫已疵献胙。 (En. "The sacrificed meat is offered after preparation.") 6. 《左传·僖公四年》:太子祭于曲沃,归胙于公。 (En. "The prince offered sacrifices at Quwo and returned the sacrificial offerings to the duke.") 7. 清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:将军胙土分茅。 (En. "The general grants land and divides it among vassals using color-coded soil for the sacrificial offering.") 例 又如: 胙肉 (En. sacrificial meat) ; 胙侑 (En. to grant sacrificial meat and gifts to show closeness) ; 胙余 (En. leftover offerings after the sacrifice) ; 胙席 (En. feast for sacrifices) 通 "阼"。台阶 (En. step) 引 1. 《荀子·哀公》:登自胙阶。注: “胙与阼同。” (En. "Ascend from the steps; note that 'Zuo' and 'Zuo' are the same.") 2. 汉《费亭侯曹腾碑阴》:践胙之初。 (En. "Stepping onto the steps for the first time.") 例 又如: 胙阶 (En. steps in front of the hall recognized as the welcoming place for guests by the host) 动 1. 保佑;福佑;赐福 (En. to bless) 引 1. 《国语》:天地所胙,小而后国。 (En. "The blessings from Heaven and Earth lead to a prosperous state.") 例 又如: 胙胤 (En. blessings passed to descendants); 胙德 (En. a term eulogizing the virtues of the sovereign) 2. 赐与;分封 (En. to grant) 引 1. 《隶续》:考绩有成,符策乃胙。 (En. "Outstanding achievements result in grants.") 例 又如: 胙侑 (En. to grant sacrificial meat and offer gifts to show closeness)
Input Method for 胙
Pinyin zuo4
Four Corner