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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "忾", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "忾", and master the standard way of writing the character "忾".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 忾
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "忾" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
忾 (kài)
1. Anger; resentment.
- 愤怒,愤恨:同仇敌忾(大家一致痛恨敌人)。
- Anger, resentment: united in detesting the enemy (everyone hates the enemy together).
2. To sigh; to express regret.
- 叹息,感慨 ([En.] sigh with regret).
3. To fill.
- 满 ([En.] fill).
4. Emotional expressions:
- 同本义([En.] sigh with regret).
- 引例:
- 《说文》:忾,大息也。 (From Shuowen: "忾 means to take a deep breath.")
- 《诗·曹风·下泉》:忾我寤叹。 (From Shijing: "I sigh deeply in my waking moments.")
- 《礼记·祭义》:忾然心有闻乎其叹息之声。 (From Liji: "With deep sighs, one can hear the sounds of regret.")
- 《文选·陆机·吊魏武帝文》:见魏武帝遗令,忾然叹息,伤怀者久之。 (From Wenxuan: "Seeing the legacy of Wei Wudi, I sigh deeply, mourning for a long time.")
5. To express resentment or anger.
- 愤恨,愤怒 ([En.] detest).
- 引例:
- 《左传·文公四年》:诸侯敌王所忾而献其功。 (From Zuo zhuan: "The feudal lords unite in dislike against the king and offer their services.")
- 例: 又如: 忾敌 (同仇敌忾); 忾愤 (愤怒,愤恨).
6. To be ubiquitous.
- 遍及;到 ([En.] fill).
- 引例:
- 《礼记》:身以及身,子以及子,妃以及妃,君行此三者,则忾乎天下矣。 (From Liji: "When one acts towards others as they do towards themselves, the influence reaches the world.")
7. Verb: To sigh deeply.
- 动词 长声叹息。
- 引例: 《诗经.曹风.下泉》:「忾我寤叹,念彼周京。」 (From Shijing: "I deeply sigh as I awake, thinking of that Zhou capital.")