Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "楷", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "楷", and master the standard way of writing the character "楷".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 楷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "楷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
楷 [kǎi]
1. 法式,模范:model; pattern
- 典范:法则;典范 (model; standard)
2. 汉字的一种书体:standard script
- 楷书:由隶书演变而来,也叫“正书”,“真书” (a style of Chinese characters evolved from clerical script, also known as "regular script" or "true script").
3. 姓 (a surname)
4. 另见 jiè (see also jiè)
- 木名。即“黄连木”。楷树枝干疏而不屈,因以形容刚直。 (The original meaning refers to a type of tree, specifically "huanglianmu" (Chinese pistache). The branch and trunk are sparse yet upright, hence it symbolizes integrity.)
- 形声。从木,皆声。 (Phonetic and semantic composition, with "木" indicating wood.)
1. 《广雅》:楷,法也。 (In "Guangya": "Kai" means law.)
2. 《礼记·儒行》:今世行之,后世以为楷。 (In "Liji: Ruxing": The practices of today will be regarded as models by later generations.)
- 楷法 (law; model)
- 小楷 (small standard script)
- 大楷 (large standard script)
- 楷字 (standard script characters)
楷 [jiē]
1. 楷树:Chinese pistache
- 落叶乔木,果实长圆形,红色。木材可制器具,亦称“黄连木”。 (Deciduous tree, fruit is elongated and red. The wood can be used to make utensils and is also called "huanglianmu".)
2. 另见 kǎi (see also kǎi)
- 楷木 (huanglianmu)
- 楷床 (a bed made of huanglianmu)