Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "怛", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "怛", and master the standard way of writing the character "怛".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 怛
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "怛" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
怛 [dá]
1. 忧伤,悲苦。
- Sadness, suffering.
- Examples:
- 怛恻 (sadness)
- 怛然 (worried, uneasy)
- 怛伤 (sorrow)
- 怛惋 (sadness)
2. 惊惧。
- Fear, terror.
- Examples:
- 怛突 (nervous, fearful)
- 怛怖 (fearful)
- 怛惕 (anxious, fearful)
本义: 痛苦
- Original Meaning: Suffering
同本义: (suffering)
1. 同本义 ([En.] suffering)
忧伤: (sadness)
2. 忧伤 ([En.] sadness)
畏惧;惊恐: (fear)
3. 畏惧;惊恐 ([En.] fear)
1. 《说文》:怛,憯也。从心,旦声。(From "Shuo Wen":怛 is pain, with the character consisting of "heart" and the sound "dan".)
2. 《方言一》:怛,痛也。(From "Dialects One": 怛 means pain.)
3. 《史记·屈原贾生列传》:疾痛惨怛,未尝不呼父母也。(From "Records of the Grand Historian": In painful suffering, one never fails to call upon their parents.)
4. 唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》:悲泗淋漓,诚怛人心。(Tang Dynasty: In deep sadness, it truly affects the hearts of people.)
1. 《广雅》:怛,忧也。(From "Guang Ya": 怛 means worry.)
2. 《释训》:怛怛,忧也。(From "Shi Xun": 怛怛 means worry.)
3. 《诗·桧风·匪风》:中心怛兮。(From "Book of Songs": My heart is troubled.)
4. 《诗·齐风·甫田》:劳心怛怛。(From "Book of Songs": Mind is troubled with worries.)
1. 《庄子·大宗师》:叱!避!无怛化!(From "Zhuangzi": Hush! Avoid! There should be no transforming fear!)
2. 《列子·黄帝》:怛然内热。(From "Liezi": With a fearful and heated heart.)
3. 唐· 柳宗元《三戒·临江之麋》:群犬垂涎,扬尾皆来,其人怒;怛之。(Tang Dynasty: The group of dogs, salivating and wagging their tails, approach; the person becomes angry and fears.)
Each definition illustrates the character's connotations of sadness and fear throughout various classical Chinese texts.