Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "快", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "快", and master the standard way of writing the character "快".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 快
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "快" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
快 [kuài]
形 (Adjective)
1. 速度大,与“慢”相对。 (Fast, as opposed to slow.)
示例:快车。快件。快步。快速。快捷。快马加鞭。 (Fast train. Express delivery. Quick steps. Speedy. Quick and convenient. A fast horse.)
2. 赶紧,从速。 (Hurry up; quickly.)
示例:赶快。 (Hurry up.)
3. 将,就要;接近。 (About to; nearing.)
示例:天快亮了。 (It’s about to get bright.)
4. 灵敏。 (Agile.)
示例:他脑子真快。眼明手快。 (He is really quick-witted. Quick of eye and hand.)
5. 锐利,锋利,与“钝”相对。 (Sharp, as opposed to dull.)
示例:王麻子刀剪真快。 (Wang Mazi's blade and scissors are really sharp.)
6. 爽利,直截了当。 (Straightforward; blunt.)
示例:爽快。心直口快。快人快语。 (Happy and straightforward speech.)
7. 高兴舒服。 (Happy and comfortable.)
示例:快乐。满意。痛快。愉快。快感。快事。快慰。 (Joyful. Content. Happy. Pleasant. Pleasure. Good things. Comfort.)
名 (Noun)
1. 旧时州县衙门里任缉捕的差卒。 (Policeman in ancient local governments.)
示例:各县捕快捉来的强盗。 (Policemen captured bandits from various counties.)
2. 赌博时撒出的头钱为“快”,表示“赢”。 (Initial stake in gambling, indicating a win.)
副 (Adverb)
将要 (About to).
示例:我儿子已经快七岁了;天快亮了;那只鸡快死了。 (My son is about to be seven; it is about to get bright; that chicken is about to die.)