Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "便", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "便", and master the standard way of writing the character "便".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 便
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "便" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
ordinary / plain / convenient / handy / easy / then / so / thus / to relieve oneself, advantageous / cheap
便 [biàn]
1. 顺利,没有困难或阻碍: smooth, without difficulties or obstacles.
Examples: 便当 (convenient), 便利 (beneficial), 便道 (easy way), 便民 (for the convenience of the people).
2. 简单的,礼节上非正式的: simple, informal in etiquette.
Examples: 便宴 (informal banquet), 便衣 (casual clothes), 便函 (a simple letter), 简便 (simple and convenient), 随便 (casually), 便宜 (appropriately, dealing with matters according to the facts).
3. 便利的时候: a convenient time.
Example: 便中请来信 (please write when convenient).
4. 就: to do immediately.
Example: 说了便做 (once said, do it).
5. 排泄屎尿或排泄出来的屎尿: excrement or feces.
Examples: 大便 (feces), 便秘 (constipation).
便 (形) [biàn]
1. 便利,方便: convenient; easy.
2. 灵便;轻捷: nimble.
3. 不费事,简便: simple; easy; informal.
4. 近便: close and convenient.
5. 吉利: lucky.
便 (动) [biàn]
1. 有利于;有益于: be beneficial; serve the interests of.
2. 熟习: be practiced at; have the knack of.
便 (名) [biàn]
1. 尿、屎: excrement.
2. 有利的机会: a convenient time; when it is appropriate.
便 (副) [biàn]
即;就: as soon as.
便 (形) [biàn]
1. 纵使;即使: even if.
便 (形) [biàn]
本义: 安适: originally means comfort.
同本义: quiet and comfortable.
Examples: 便席 (comfortable place), 便散 (comfortable idleness), 便宁 (peaceful).
2. 轻盈: slim and graceful.
Example: 便娟 (elegant and beautiful).
3. 轻捷: nimble.
Example: 便儇 (agile and nimble).
4. 善辩: eloquent.
Example: 便侫 (flattering and eloquent), 便巧 (cleverly spoken).
便 (形) [biàn]
1. 肚子肥大的样子,如“大腹便便”: a description of a big belly, such as "a bulging belly".
2. 物价较低: prices are relatively low.
3. 封建统治者所亲近宠爱的人: a person favored by feudal rulers.
4. 善于用花言巧语讨好的人: a person skilled at flattery.