Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "悭", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "悭", and master the standard way of writing the character "悭".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 悭
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "悭" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
悭 (qiān)
1. Stingy; miserly.
2. Lack; deficit.
1. Stingy; miserly:
- 悭吝 (stingy)
- 悭囊 (miserly with money)
- 悭涩 (stingy)
2. Lack:
- 缘悭一面 (lack of one aspect of fate).
悭 (qiān)
形 (Adjective)
本义: 吝啬 (stingy)
造字法: 形声。 从心,坚声。从心,与性情有关。
1. 同本义: (En. stingy)
- 例: 悭涩 (miserly); 悭啬 (stingy); 悭贪 (stingy and greedy); 悭囊 (a money box, literally a 'miser's bag'); 悭滥 (coins of poor quality).
2. 粗劣: (En. of poor quality; cheap)
- 例: 悭钱 (in the Song Dynasty, coins of poor quality).
3. 穷困: (En. poor)
- 引: 王实甫《西厢记》: 这是先生命悭,须不是红娘违慢。 (This is due to the master's stinginess, not because Hongniang is disobedient).
悭 (qiān)
动 (Verb)
1. 阻滞: (En. obstruct)
- 引: 汤显祖《紫钗记》: 这恩爱前悭后悭,这姻缘左难右难。 (This affection has its obstacles, making the marriage difficult on both sides).
2. 减省,少: (En. subtract; reduce; lack)
- 例: 缘悭一面 (lack of one aspect of fate).