严 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 严
Stroke Order Diagrams for 严
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 严
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 严
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "严" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "严" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 严
(air or water) tight / stern / serious / strict / severe
严 yán
1. Tight, without gaps.
- 紧密,没有空隙。
2. Unrelenting, serious.
- 不放松,认真。
3. Solemn, grave.
- 郑重,庄重。
4. Severe, harsh.
- 厉害的。
5. Important, significant.
- 重大。
6. A surname.
- 姓。
严 yán (as an adjective)
1. The same as the original meaning (urgent).
- 同本义 ([En.] urgent)
2. Stern; strict.
- 严厉;严肃 ([En.] stern; strict)
3. Tight; close.
- 紧密 ([En.] tight; close)
4. Thick.
- 厚 ([En.] thick)
5. Bitter; cruel.
- 猛烈,严酷 ([En.] bitter; cruel)
严 yán (as a noun)
1. Majestic; serious.
- 威严、威信 ([En.] majestic; serious)
2. Honorific term for father.
- 对父亲的尊称 ([En.] father)
3. Vigilance.
- 警戒 ([En.] strictness)
4. A surname.
- 姓
严 yán (as a verb)
1. Fear.
- 畏惧 ([En.] fear)
2. Set in order; tidy up.
- 整饬;整备 ([En.] set to order)
3. Respect; honor.
- 尊敬,尊重 ([En.] respect)
4. To gaze far into the distance.
- 通“瞰”(kàn)。远望 ([En.] look far into the distance)
closely guarded / strongly fortified / sharply divided
severe law / draconian law / inflexible administration of justice / severe penal codes
to punish severely (idiom)
severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their crimes / severe punishment to resister
情 况 严 重 qíng kuàng yán zhòng
Serious situation
strict / stringent / tight / rigorous
solemn / grave / serious / earnest / severe
solemn / dignified / stately
dignity / sanctity / honor / majesty
strict / tight (organization, surveillance etc)
dignified / imposing / august / awe-inspiring / awe / prestige / dignity
rigorous / strict / careful / cautious / compact / well-knit
bitter cold / severe winter
to impose martial law / to impose emergency measures
(of troops) in neat formation / (fig.) orderly
strict / rigid / tight (security)
strict law / cruel punishment / to carry out cruel law rigorously
bitter / harsh / grim / ruthless / severe / cut-throat (competition)
strict / rigorous / severely
grave / serious / severe / critical