Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "侃", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "侃", and master the standard way of writing the character "侃".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 侃
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "侃" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
侃 [kǎn]
1. (Adjective) 理直气壮,从容不迫的样子,如“~~而谈”。
(English: Upright and outspoken; confident and unhurried appearance, as in "talking with confidence.")
2. (Adjective) 刚直,刚强正直。
(English: Upright and outspoken.)
引用: 欧阳修《与高司谏书》:侃然正色,论前世事。
(Reference: Ouyang Xiu, "Letter to Gao Sijian": "With a dignified expression, discussing matters of the past.")
例子: 又如:侃直(刚正;梗直);侃然(刚直貌)
(Example: For instance: 侃直 (upright; forthright); 侃然 (appearance of uprightness).)
3. (Adjective) 和乐的样子。
(English: Amiable.)
引用: 《汉书·韦贤传》:我徒侃尔,乐亦在而。
(Reference: "Book of Han, Biography of Wei Xian": "I play along in a carefree manner.")
例子: 又如:侃然(和乐的样子);侃尔(和乐的样子)
(Example: For instance: 侃然 (appearance of amiability); 侃尔 (amiable manner).)
4. (Verb) 海阔天空地瞎扯。
(English: Piffle.)
引用: 王实甫《西厢记》:隔墙酬和都瞎侃。
(Reference: Wang Shifu, "The Story of the Western Chamber": "Chatting idly through the wall.")
例子: 又如:侃直(直抒己见,无所避忌);别侃了
(Example: For instance: 侃直 (expressing one's views candidly without reserve); "Stop the chatter.")