Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "傀", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "傀", and master the standard way of writing the character "傀".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 傀
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "傀" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
傀 [kuǐ]
1. Puppet; a wooden figure in puppet shows; metaphorically refers to someone or an organization that is merely a figurehead and manipulated by others, such as in "puppet regime".
2. Great; significant in size or importance.
3. Strange; peculiar or unusual in nature.
1. 〔~儡〕①木偶戏里的木头人;②喻徒有虚名,被人操纵的人或组织,如“~~政权”。
1. Puppet; a wooden figure in puppet shows; metaphorically refers to someone or an organization that is merely a figurehead and manipulated by others, such as in "puppet regime".
2. 【本义】: 伟;大
2. 【Original Meaning】: Great; significant in size or importance.
3. 【造字法】: 形声。从人,鬼声。
3. 【Character Formation】: Phonetic compounds; formed from the elements for "person" and "ghost".
4. 【引】
1. 《说文》:傀,伟也。
1. "Shuowen": 傀 means great.
2. 《庄子·列御寇》:达生之情者傀。
2. "Zhuangzi": Those who understand the feelings of life are described as 傀.
5. 【例】
1. 又如: 傀然(魁梧貌); 傀俄(魁伟貌); 傀卓(卓异)
1. Examples include: 傀然 (tall and strong); 傀俄 (great stature); 傀卓 (outstanding).
6. 怪异。
6. Strange or peculiar.
7. 独立的样子。
7. The appearance of being independent.
8. 形容词 高大。《说文解字.人部》:「傀,伟也。」《聊斋志异.卷八.司文郎》:「有少年游寺中,白服裙帽,望之傀然。」
8. Adjective meaning tall. "Shuowen": 傀 means great. "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio": A young man in white clothing and a hat is observed as 傀然 (tall and imposing).
9. 形容词 怪异。《广韵.平声.灰韵》:「傀,怪异。」《文选.郭璞.江赋》:「珍怪之所化产,傀奇之所窟宅。」
9. Adjective meaning strange. "Guangyun": 傀 means strange. "Selections of Literature": The things produced from the rare and strange are described as 傀奇 (peculiar).