Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "囿", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "囿", and master the standard way of writing the character "囿".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 囿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "囿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
囿 [yòu]
1. A garden for raising animals.
2. To be limited or restricted.
3. A place where things are gathered together.
【本义】: Ancient royal gardens for raising birds and beasts.
【造字法】: Phonetic-meaning compound. It is composed of “囗” (wéi), which indicates a range or area.
1. Same as the original meaning (garden with enclosing wall).
同本义 ([En.] garden with enclosing wall)
2. Generally refers to a garden or orchard surrounded by fences.
泛指四周有栏挡的菜园、果园 ([En.] garden)
3. A center or focal point of things.
事物的萃聚之所 ([En.] centre)
动 [yòu]
1. To confine or be restricted.
拘泥 ([En.] confine)
1. 《说文》: 囿,苑有垣也。
2. 《字林》: 有垣曰苑,无垣曰囿。
3. 《国语·周语》: 囿有林池,从从木有介。
4. 《诗·大雅·灵台》: 王在灵囿。
5. 古谓之囿,汉家谓之苑。——《周礼·囿人》疏
6. 洪迈《夷坚丁志》: 启县囿卖酒,游人沓至。
又如: 囿苑(饲养禽兽的园囿); 囿人(官名。主管苑囿禽兽); 囿游(帝王的离宫别苑)
1. 《大戴礼记》: (正月)囿有韭。
2. 汉·司马相如《上林赋》: 游乎六艺之囿,驰骛乎仁义之涂。
动 [yòu]
1. To confine or be restricted.
拘泥 ([En.] confine)
1. 《正字通》: 识不通广曰囿,犹言拘墟也。
又如: 囿于成见; 囿于一隅