Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "复", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "复", and master the standard way of writing the character "复".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 复
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "复" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
again / recover / reply to a letter / to repeat / to duplicate, repeat, double, overlap
復 fù
1. 回去,返: return to
反~: return
往~: return
2. 回答,回报: reply, respond
~命: reply to a command
~信: reply to a letter
~仇: retaliate
3. 还原,使如前: restore, return to the previous state
~旧: restore the old
~婚: restore the marriage
~职: restore the position
光~: restore light
~辟: restore the path
4. 副词,又,再: adverb, again, once more
死灰~燃: dead ashes rekindled
一去不~返: once gone, we cannot return
5. 重复,重叠: repeat, overlap
~习: repeat practice
~诊: re-examine
~审: review
~现: reappear
~议: re-discuss
6. 许多的,不是单一的: many, not singular
重(chóng)~: repeated, multiple
繁~: complex
~杂: assorted
~姓: multiple surnames
復 fù
【动】 (verb)
【本义】 Return, come back.
【造字法】 Phonetic-semantic. The lower radical "攵" represents feet or walking, derived from a variant of the oracle bone script character "止". The upper part is a simplified version of the phonetic "畐" (fú), signifying fullness or belly, contributing to the meaning. Later forms added the radical "彳" (chì), indicating action, leading to the simplified form "复".
1. 同本义: return to
2. 引申为恢复: extend to mean restore
3. 回归,还原: return, revert
4. 回答: reply
5. 报复: retaliate
6. 履行,实践: carry out, fulfill
7. 古称人死后招其魂归来: ancient term for reviving the deceased
8. 免除 (赋税徭役): remit (taxes and corvée)
9. 覆盖,引申为庇护: cover, extend to mean protect or shelter
復 複 fù
【名】 (noun)
1. 有里的衣服: a lined garment, dress, etc.
2. 远古人居住的洞穴: cave
3. 中医指七方之一的复方: a compound in traditional Chinese medicine
復 複 fù
【形】 (adjective)
1. 重复;繁复: compound, complex
2. 夹层: double
3. 重叠: overlapping
復 複 fù
【副】 (adverb)
又,再: again, resume
中断再开始: interrupt and then start again