Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "尿", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "尿", and master the standard way of writing the character "尿".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 尿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "尿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
尿 [niào]
1. Urine, the excretion liquid from the kidneys.
例: 尿液 (urine), 尿布 (diapers), 尿肥 (urine fertilizer), 尿素 (urea).
2. To urinate.
例: 尿尿 (to urinate).
1. To expel urine (En. urinate).
例: 尿床子 (referring to bedwetting children), 尿泡 (dialect, to urinate), 尿尿把把 (to urinate), 尿出子 (incontinence), 尿血 (hematuria).
2. [Colloquial] To care about (En. care about).
例: 死到我手下的英雄好汉数也数不过来,还尿你这个毛孩子 (I have so many heroes at my hands, yet I still care about you, you little kid).
3. [Colloquial] To pay attention to (En. pay attention to).
例: 人家还不是爱听听两句,不爱听尿也不尿你 (They still like to hear a few words, but they won’t care for you if they don’t want to).
1. 《说文》: 尿,人小便也。古书多假溺为之。
2. 例: 又如: 糠尿病 (diabetes), 尿鳖 (urinal, used derogatorily to refer to a disliked person).
【本义】: 小便
【造字法】: 会意。从尸,从水。尸代表人体。
1. 尿 (niào) refers to urine (only as a noun).
2. 尿 (niào) refers to bladder (also referred to as 尿泡).
尿 [suī]
1. [Dialects] Urine (En. urine).
2. 另见 niào (see also niào).
例: 膀胱又名尿脬 (the bladder is also known as the urine pouch); 撒尿又叫“屙尿” (to urinate is also called "to excrete urine").
3. 尿胞 (urine pouch); 尿胞种子 (seeds referred to as empty clams that cannot germinate, used to curse children for not growing up).
4. 另见 niào (see also niào).