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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "尹", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "尹", and master the standard way of writing the character "尹".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 尹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "尹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
尹 [yǐn]
1. To govern; to manage.
Example: 以~天下 (to govern the world).
2. A title of an official in ancient times (magistrate).
Example: 令~ (the title of a magistrate). 府~ (the magistrate of the government). 京兆~ (the magistrate of the capital region).
3. A surname.
Example: 尹午 (a compound surname).
【本义】: 治理 (The original meaning: to govern)
【造字法】: 会意 (Pictophonetic; the left vertical stroke represents a pen, and the right part is "又" (hand), symbolizing a hand holding a pen to signify governance.)
1. 《说文》: 尹,治也 (In "Shuowen", it states that 尹 means to govern).
2. 《左传·定公四年》: 以尹天下 (In "Zuo Zhuan", it mentions governing the world).
又如: 尹京 (govern the capital region); 尹祭 (cut rectangular meat for ancient sacrificial ceremonies).
1. 旧时官名 ([En.] magistrate; a title in old times).
1. 《论语·公冶长》: 令尹子文,三仕为令尹,无喜色 (In "Lunyu", it speaks of the magistrate Ziwensì becoming a magistrate three times without showing joy).
2. 唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》: 不以非郑尹 (In "Liuhedongji" by Liu Zongyuan, it mentions not regarding him as the magistrate of Zheng).
3. 宋· 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》: 拥至尹前 (In "Tiaoxi Yuyin Conghua", it states rushing to the magistrate).
4. 清· 周容《芋老人传》: 有卿尹 (In "Yulaoren Zhuan", it mentions having a magistrate).
又如: 府尹 (the magistrate of the government); 京兆尹 (the magistrate of the capital region); 尹氏 (an official title managing matters related to appointments); 尹寺 (eunuch); 尹长 (official title).
2. 姓 (Surname).
例: 如: 尹午 (a compound surname).