频 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 频
Stroke Order Diagrams for 频
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 频
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 频
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "频" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "频" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 频
pín、 bīn
frequency / frequently / repetitious
频 pín
【本义】: 皱眉
【造字法】: 会意。从步,从页。页(xié): 人头。《说文》认为步是“涉”的省略。人将要渡河,见水深,皱眉而止。
1. 同本义 (En. knit the brows)
例: 又如:频蹙(皱眉蹙额,忧愁不乐的样子)
2. 接近;临近 (En. near)
引: 百姓流亡,频于涂炭。——晋·潘岳文
3. 并列 (En. stand side by side)
例: 如:频行(并行)
1. 重复,连续 (En. continued)
引: 《字汇》:频,连也。
例: 又如:频日(连续多日);频世(连续两代);频岁(连年)
2. 危急;紧急 (En. urgent)
引: 《诗·大雅·桑柔》:于科有哀,国步斯频。
1. 在一定时间(常指1秒钟)或范围内事物重复出现的次数 (En. frequency)
例: 如:音频;频带
2. 假借为“滨”。水边 (En. waterfront; waterside)
3. 姓
屡次;频繁 (En. frequently; repeatedly; again and again)
引: 《后汉书·李云传》:是时,地数震裂,众灾频降。
引: 欧阳修《与石推官第一书》:近于京师,频得足下所为文,读之甚善。
例: 又如:频荐齿颊(总挂在嘴边);频送(接连传送)
1. 古同“濒”,水边地。
垂 直 扫 描 频 率 chuí zhí sǎo miáo pín lǜ
Vertical scan frequency
frequent micturition / frequency of urinatior
very high frequency (VHF)
frequency spectrum / spectrum / spectrogram
repeatedly / again and again / continuously / constantly
frequency / (television) channel
audio / sound / audio frequency / sound frequency
(radio) band / frequency band
frequency modulation / FM
frequency range / bandwidth
midband / intermediate frequency / medium frequency / frequency intermediate / midfrequency
videoconferencing / videoconference