Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "颀", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "颀", and master the standard way of writing the character "颀".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 颀
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "颀" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 身子高。
(Stalwart; tall; slender.)
2. 身子高:~长。
(Body is tall: ~long.)
3. 【本义】头俊美
(Original meaning: head is beautiful.)
4. 【造字法】形声。从页,斤声。从页,与“头”有关。
(Character formation: phonetic-meaning compound; includes the component for "head.")
5. 同本义
(Same as the original meaning.)
([En.] head is beautiful.)
6. 身材修长。
(Body shape is slender.)
([En.] stalwart; tall; slender.)
(Examples: 颀而 (in the shape of being tall); 颀伟 (slender and tall); 颀然 (in the shape of being tall); 颀颀 (slender in appearance).)
7. 通“恳”(kěn)。诚恳。
(Also means "earnest.")
([En.] earnest.)
引:1. 《礼记·檀弓上》:颀乎其至也。
(Quote: from "The Book of Rites: Tángōngshàng": 颀乎其至也.)
8. 通“恳”。坚韧。
(Also means "firm and tenacious.")
([En.] firm and tenacious.)
引:1. 《周礼·考工记·輈人》:是故輈欲颀典。
(Quote: from "Rites of Zhou: Regulations of Artisans": Therefore, the wheel must be firm.)
9. 姓