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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "已" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
已 [yǐ]
1. 止,罢了。
Cease; stop.
2. 表示过去。
Indicates the past.
3. 后来,过了一些时间,不多时。
Later on; after some time, not long after.
4. 太,过。
Too; excessively.
5. 同“ 以 ”。
Same as "以".
已 [yǐ] (verb)
【本义】: 停止
Root meaning: Stop.
【造字法】: 象形。象蛇形。一说原与“子”同字。
Character formation: Pictographic; resembles a snake shape. One theory suggests it originally had the same character as "子".
1. 同本义 ([En.] cease; stop)
Same as the original meaning (cease; stop).
1. 《诗·郑风·风雨》:鸡鸣不已。 传:“已,止也。”
"The rooster crowed without ceasing." (Translation: "已 means to stop.")
2. 《诗·小雅·南山有台》:德音不已。 传:“已,止也。”
"The noble sounds ceased not."
3. 《史记·项羽本纪》:以故事得已。
"By historical stories, this has ceased."
4. 《列子·汤问》:操蛇之神闻之,惧其不已也,告之于帝。
"The god of snake handlers heard this and feared it would not cease, thus reported it to the Emperor."
5. 《孟子·告子上》:是亦不可以已乎?
"Can this not also cease?"
6. 《后汉书·列女传》:累寸不已,遂成丈匹。
"Progressing inch by inch without ceasing, it eventually became a yard."
7. 清· 袁枚《黄生借书说》:非夫人之物而强假焉,必虑人逼取,而惴惴焉,摩玩之不已。
"If one forcefully borrows items that do not belong to them, one must worry about being pressured to return them, being anxious and continually touching them."
又如: 不已 (not ceasing).
2. 完成,完毕 ([En.] finish)
Complete; finished.
1. 《广雅》:已,成也。
"已 means to accomplish."
2. 《易·损》:已事遄往。 注:“竟也。”
"The finished matter quickly moves on." (Note: "已" means to finish.)
3. 《左传·昭公十三年》:且曰吾已。 注:’犹决竟也。”
"And said 'I have finished'." (Note: it implies conclusiveness.)
4. 《国语·齐语》:有司已于事而竣。 注:“毕也。”
"The officials have completed the matters." (Note: it means to finish.)
又如: 已矣 (finished; passed away).
3. 治愈 ([En.] cure)
Cure; heal.
1. 唐· 柳宗元《捕蛇者说》:已大风、挛踠、瘘疠治愈大风、挛踠、瘘、疠(等重病)。大风,麻风病。挛踠,手脚弯曲不能伸展。瘘,脖子肿。疠,恶疮。
"Cured of major ailments such as leprosy, deformities, swelling in the throat, and ulcers."
已 [yǐ] (adverb)
1. 已经 ([En.] already)——表示动作变化达到的程度
Already; indicating the extent to which an action has occurred.
1. 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:北向不能得日,日过午已昏。
"Facing north couldn't catch sunlight, by afternoon it had already darkened."
如: 已装不卸 (metaphorically means established, cannot change).
2. 以前 ([En.] before).
Before; previously.
如: 已先 (formerly; previously); 已事 (past events).
3. 罢了,算了 ([En.] well).
Well; that's enough.
如: 已乎 (that's enough).
4. 太 ([En.] too)——表示程度
Too; indicating degree.
1. 《诗·唐风》:无已大康,职思其居。
"There is too much of great prosperity, thinking of its residence."
2. 明· 张溥《五人墓碑记》:死而湮没不足道者,亦已众矣。
"Those who have died and disappeared and are not worth mentioning are indeed numerous."
5. 又 ([En.] also)——表示行为的频率
Also; indicating frequency of actions.
1. 《世说新语》:周子居常云:“吾时月不见 黄叔度,则鄙吝之心已复生矣。”
"Zhou Zi often said: 'If I don't see Huang Shudu for a month, my petty thoughts will arise again.'"
6. 最终,终归 ([En.] finally)
Finally; ultimately.
1. 《荀子》:其所以贯理焉,虽亿万已不足以浃万物之变。
"The method of relating, even billions is not sufficient to cover the transformations of all things."
7. 已而,然后 ([En.] then; after that)
Then; after that.
1. 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:庭中始为篱,已为墙。
"Initially in the courtyard it was a fence, then it became a wall."