Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "拳", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "拳", and master the standard way of writing the character "拳".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 拳
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "拳" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
拳 [quán]
1. 屈指卷握起来的手:Fist (a hand curled into a fist).
2. 徒手的武术:Boxing (a form of hand-to-hand combat).
3. 肢体弯曲:Curl (to bend or curve the body).
4. 量词,用于拳头打人的动作:Measure word for actions done with the fist (e.g., "hit him several times").
1. 《说文》:拳,手也。按,张之为掌,卷之为拳。
"Fist, is a hand. Open hand is a palm, curled hand is a fist."
2. 《吕氏春秋》:鲁君许诺,乃使吏鞟其拳。
"The ruler of Lu promised and had his officials tie their fists."
- 挥拳: to swing the fist;
- 赤手空拳: barehanded, empty-handed.
1. 通“蜷”。屈曲;卷曲:Curl (to bend or curve).
1. 《庄子·人间世》:其棱细则拳曲。
"If the edges are thin, they will curl."
2. 《颜氏家训·勉学》:手不得拳,膝不得屈。
"Hands cannot be curled, knees must not bend."
- 拳拳弯弯: in a curled shape;
- 拳毛: curled hair;
- 拳挛: to crumple or bend;
- 拳足: curled toes;
- 拳发: curled hair.
1. 勇壮:Brave (courageous).
2. 如:拳果 (brave and decisive); 拳勇 (valiant); 拳捷 (swift and brave); 拳猛 (fierce); 拳腕 (similar to strength); 拳儇 (agile and strong).
3. 诚挚:Honest (sincere).
1. 司马迁《报任安书》:拳拳之忠,终不能自列。
"Sincere loyalty cannot be placed on a list."
2. 《汉书·贡禹传》:不胜拳拳。
"Unable to break through sincerity."
- 拳拳好善: sincerely doing good;
- 拳挚: sincerity.
1. 表示动量,用于拿拳头打人的动作:Indicates momentum for actions done with a fist.
2. 表示物量,相当于“桩”、“件”:Indicates a quantity, equivalent to "item" or "piece."
1. 《水浒传》:你便在我脸上打一百拳也不妨!
"Go ahead and hit me a hundred times on my face!"
2. 张国宾《合汗衫》:我这一去,不得一拳儿好买卖不回来。
"If I leave, I won't come back with a single good deal."
flowery of fist with fancy footwork (idiom) / highly embellished and ineffectual / fancy but impractical skills / all show and no go / pugilistic wankery