Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "空", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "空", and master the standard way of writing the character "空".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 空
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "空" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
空 [kōng]
形 (Adjective)
1. 不包含什么,没有内容。 - Empty; nothing inside.
2. 没有结果的,白白地。 - Without result; in vain.
3. 离开地面的,在地上面的地方。 - Above the ground; aerial.
- 引申: 空虚;内无所有。 - Extended meaning: emptiness; empty inside.
- 罄尽;空其所有。 - Exhausted; having emptied all contents.
- 广阔;空旷。 - Expansive; vast.
- 岑寂;幽静。 - Quiet; serene.
- 明净无挂碍。 - Clear; without obstruction.
- 空洞而不实际;空泛;虚构。 - Hollow and impractical; superficial; fictitious.
名 (Noun)
1. 空间;天空。 - Space; sky.
2. 佛教语。 - Buddhist term: Emptiness; void of the world of senses.
3. 万物从因缘生,没有固定,虚幻不实。 - Everything arises from causes and conditions; there is no permanence; it is illusory.
4. 又指佛门。 - Also refers to the Buddhist path.
5. 道家谓虚静之性。 - Taoist concept of emptiness and quietude.
副 (Adverb)
1. 徒然;白白地。 - For nothing; in vain.
2. 只;仅。 - Only; merely.
动 (Verb)
1. 使空虚;使罄尽。 - Make empty; exhaust.
2. 另见 kòng; kǒng。 - See also: kòng; kǒng.
空 [kòng]
动 (Verb)
1. 使之困穷。 - Impoverish; make needy.
2. 缺少;亏欠。 - Be short of; owe.
3. 腾让出来。 - Leave empty; vacate.
名 (Noun)
1. 闲暇,闲功夫,没被占用的时间。 - Free time; spare time.
2. 空子,可乘之机。 - An opportunity or chance.
3. 空地,可占用的空处。 - Empty space; room.
4. 另见 kōng; kòng。 - See also: kōng; kòng.
空 [kǒng]
名 (Noun)
1. 古同“孔”,洞。 - An ancient variant meaning "hole" or "cave."
2. 同本义。 - Same original meaning.通“孔” - Commonly understood as "hole."
3. 口,嘴巴。 - Mouth.
- 引:
1. 空凿。 - Hollow out.
2. 穿空。 - To pierce a hole.
3. 见于文学作品,表明洞穴或穴道的意象。 - Seen in literary works, indicating caverns or tunnels.
Each meaning reflects the diverse uses and interpretations of the character "空" in Chinese language, emphasizing its significance in both everyday and philosophical contexts.