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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "半", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "半", and master the standard way of writing the character "半".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 半
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "半" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
half / semi- / incomplete / (after a number) and a half / half
半 (bàn)
Part of speech: Adjective
1. Definition: half; one half
Example: 半圆 (half a circle), 半百 (fifty, often referring to age)
2. Definition: incomplete; partial
Example: 多半 (mostly), 半岛 (peninsula), 半透明 (translucent), 半脱产 (partially transferred from work)
3. Definition: in the middle; halfway
Example: 半空 (mid-air), 半路上 (halfway along the road), 半夜 (midnight)
4. Definition: very little; a small amount
Example: 一星半点 (a very small amount)
Historical Usage:
1. "说文" states: “半,物中分也。” (Half refers to something divided)
2. "汉书·高帝纪上" states: “今汉有天下太半。” (Now Han holds more than half of the world)
3. "汉书·项籍传" mentions: “士卒食半。” (Soldiers were fed half)
4. Zhuge Liang in "出师表" says: “先帝创业未半而中道崩殂。” (The late emperor's enterprise had not reached half before passing)
5. Bai Juyi writes in "卖炭翁": “半匹红绡一丈绫。” (Half a bolt of red silk and one length of cloth)
6. In "聊斋志异·狼三则": “身已半入,只露尻尾。” (Half of the body was in, revealing just the tail)
Examples Used in a Sentence:
- 太半 (two-thirds)
- 半日 (half a day)
- 半工 (part-time work)
- 半升 (half a liter)
Additional Meanings:
2. Definition: in the middle; halfway
Example: 半山腰 (halfway up the mountain), 半大 (half-grown), 半路 (halfway), 半道 (halfway), 半截腰 (half waist)
3. Definition: partly; about half
Historical Reference: Bai Juyi in "琵琶行(并序)" says: “犹抱琵琶半遮面。” (Still holding the pipa half covering the face)
Example: 半自动 (semi-automatic), 半老头 (middle-aged man), 半工半读 (part-time work and study), 半半拉拉 (partially), 半死 (half-dead), 半信半疑 (half-believing), 一知半解 (partially understood)
4. Definition: very little
Historical Reference: "史记·魏公子列传" states: “而侯生曾无一言半辞送我。” (And Hou Sheng did not send me even a half-word of farewell)
Example: 一星半点 (a small amount), 半歇 (a short break), 半星儿 (a tiny bit), 半丝麻线 (a small issue)