Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "掎", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "掎", and master the standard way of writing the character "掎".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 掎
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "掎" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
掎 [jǐ]
1. 拖住,牵引。
(To drag, to pull)
- 掎止(从后截获).
(To drag and stop (to intercept from behind).)
- 掎角(分兵牵制或夹击敌人).
(To pin down the enemy (deploy troops to restrain or encircle the enemy).)
2. 发射。
(To shoot)
- 机不虚掎.
(The machine does not miss the shot.)
3. 古同“倚”,支撑。
(An ancient equivalent of "to lean", meaning to support.)
4. 指摘。
(To censure.)
1. 《说文》:掎,偏引也。从手,奇声。
(From "Shuo Wen": "掎" means to pull sideways. Derived from hand and an unusual sound.)
2. 《诗·小雅·小弁》:伐木掎矣。
(From "Poetry": "Felling trees." The use of "掎" here relates to the action of pulling.)
3. 《左传·襄公十四年》:诸戎掎之。疏:“言戾其足也。”
(From "Zuo Zhuan": "The various armies pinned him down". It means to restrain.)
4. 《国语·鲁语》:掎止晏莱焉。注:“从后曰掎。”
(From "Guo Yu": "To drag and stop Yan Lai". This indicates pulling from behind.)
5. 《汉书·息夫躬传》:躬掎禄曰。注:“从后引之也。”
(From "Han Shu": "Bowed to drag fortune." Indicates pulling from behind.)
6. 《汉书·叙传》:昔秦失其鹿,刘季遂而掎之。
(From "Han Shu": "In the past, when the Qin lost its deer, Liu Ji pursued and pinned it down.")
- 掎汩(犹牵动); 掎拔(提引而出; 挺拔); 掎鹿(拉着鹿); 掎裳连袂(牵裙连袖).
(For example: "掎汩" (to drag); "掎拔" (to pull out or to be upright); "掎鹿" (to pull the deer); "掎裳连袂" (to link skirts and sleeves).)
1. 韩愈《古鼓歌》:孔子西行不到秦,掎摭星宿遗羲娥。
(In Han Yu's "Ancient Drum Song": "Confucius traveled west but did not reach Qin, censure fell upon the missing stars.")
- 掎挈(掎契。指摘); 掎夺(指摘摈弃).
(For example: "掎挈" (to censure); "掎夺" (to criticize and abandon).)