Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "檐", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "檐", and master the standard way of writing the character "檐".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 檐
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "檐" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
檐 (yán)
1. 房顶伸出墙壁的部分。
1. The part of a roof that extends beyond the wall.
- 房~儿 (roof eaves)
- 廊~ (corridor eaves)
- 飞~ (flying eaves)
- 前~ (front eaves)
- ~沟 (eaves gutter)
- ~头 (eaves edge)
- ~牙 (eaves edge)
2. 覆盖物的边沿或伸出的部分。
2. The edge or protruding part of a covering.
- 帽~儿 (hat brim)
- 同本义 ([En.] eaves)
- 某些器物上形状像屋檐的部分 ([En.] brim)
1. 《礼记·明堂位》:复庙重檐。 注:“重檐,重承壁材也。”
[A quote from "The Book of Rites" discussing the heavy eaves of a temple.]
2. 晋· 陶潜《归园田居》:榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。
[A quote from Tao Qian's "Returning to Live in the Countryside" describing trees shading the eaves.]
3. 唐· 杜牧《阿房宫赋》:檐牙高啄 (檐牙:屋顶伸出的边沿。高啄:像鸟向高处啄食一样)。
[A quote from Du Mu's "Afang Palace Poem" mentioning the eaves.]
- 又如: 檐石 (stones under the eaves); 檐宇 (eaves of a house); 檐花 (flowers near the eaves); 檐板 (eaves board); 檐阴 (shadow under the eaves); 檐梁 (beam under the eaves); 檐帷 (curtains under the eaves); 檐楣 (eaves); 檐马 (also known as wind chime, iron horse); 檐铁 (wind chimes hanging under the eaves).
2. 某些器物上形状像屋檐的部分 ([En.] brim)
1. 唐· 杜荀鹤《早发》:时逆帽檐风刮顶,旋呵鞭手冻粘须。
[A quote from Du Xunhe's "Early Departure" describing the wind blowing under a hat brim.]
- 又如: 帽檐儿 (hat brim).