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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "氛" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
氛 (fēn)
1. 气,气象,情势。
- Air, weather, situation.
2. 气,气象,情势:气氛。周围的气氛和情调。
- Air, weather, situation: atmosphere. Surrounding atmosphere and mood.
3. 本义: 凶气,古时迷信说法指预示吉凶的云气,多指凶气。
- Original meaning: ferocious look; in ancient superstitions refers to cloud air indicating good or ill fortune, mostly referring to bad air.
4. 同本义 ([En.] ferocious look)
- Same as original meaning (En: ferocious look).
5. 泛指雾气;云气 ([En.] fog; mist; thin, floating clouds)
- Generally refers to fog; cloud air (En: fog; mist; thin, floating clouds).
6. 气氛 ([En.] atmosphere)
- Atmosphere (En: atmosphere).
7. 尘埃 ([En.] dust)
- Dust (En: dust).
8. 尘俗之气 ([En.] earthly)
- Earthly (En: earthly).
9. 恶浊之气 ([En.] dirty air)
- Dirty air (En: dirty air).
10. 通“纷”。乱,杂 ([En.] disorderly)
- Same as "纷". Disorderly, mixed (En: disorderly).
1. 《左传·襄公二十七年》:楚氛甚恶。
- "Zuo Zhuan, Year 27 of Xiang Gong": The atmosphere in Chu is very bad.
2. 《国语·楚语》:台不过望氛祥。 注:“凶气为氛。”
- "Guo Yu, Chu Yu": The platform does not look for auspicious signs of ferocity - "bad air is referred to as 氛."
3. 《汉书·元帝纪》:氛邪岁增。 注:“恶气也。”
- "Han Shu, Biography of Emperor Yuan": The ferocity and malice increased that year - "also refers to bad air."
4. 孙文《序》:环顾国内,贼氛方炽。
- Sun Wen's preface: Looking around the country, the ferocious atmosphere of thieves is ablaze.
- 氛慝,氛邪(邪恶之气); 氛厉(祸害之气); 氛霓(凶气,妖气); 氛杂(杂乱之气); 氛秽(邪恶肮脏之气); 氛妖(妖气)
- Examples: bad air, malice; ferocious air, calamity air; ominous air, demon air; mixed air; dirty air; devilish air.