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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "硕", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "硕", and master the standard way of writing the character "硕".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "硕" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
硕: shuò
1. 〔~士〕学位名,高于“学士”。
(Degree name, higher than "bachelor".)
2. 大。
- 例如:~老 (elder), ~材 (great talent), ~学 (erudite), ~壮 (sturdy), ~果累累 (great achievements), ~大无朋 (unparalleled in size).
3. 同本义:头大。
(Same original meaning: big-headed.)
- 引用:硕鼠硕鼠,无食我黍。 (The great rat, don't eat my millet.)
- 引用:硕果不食。 (The great fruits are unconsumed.)
- 引用:彼其之子,硕大无朋。 (That child is unparalleled in greatness.)
- 例:壮硕 (sturdy), 肥硕 (fat), 硕德 (great virtue), 硕见 (broad view), 硕大 (huge), 硕画 (great painting), 硕望 (great aspiration), 硕量 (great quantity), 硕谋 (ambitious strategies), 硕虑 (far-reaching thoughts).
4. 通“石”。比喻坚固。
(Also pronounced "shi". Metaphor for solidity.)
- 引用:孤与将军,恩如骨肉…而忍绝王命,明弃硕交,实为佞人所构会也。 (My bond with the general is like flesh and blood...yet I endure severing the king's orders, clearly discarding solid friendships, truly, it's the scheming of flatterers.)
5. 学识渊博、德高望重的。
(Erudite and esteemed.)
- 引用:又患无硕师名人与游,尝趋百里之外从乡之先达执经叩问。 (I also suffer from not having significant teachers and renowned individuals to engage with, once traveled a hundred miles to seek the worthy for my studies.)
- 引用:弱冠游学都下,通儒硕学,必造门质疑。 (In my youth, I traveled to study in the capital, mastering Confucianism and extensive scholarship, inevitably to question at the doors of the dignitaries.)
- 例:硕老 (elderly and erudite), 硕彦 (scholar of noble character), 硕隽 (outstanding talent).
6. 古同“石”,形容坚固。
(Anciently the same as "stone", describing solidity.)
7. 上述[一]的另一种读音。
(Another pronunciation of the aforementioned.)