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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "膳", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "膳", and master the standard way of writing the character "膳".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 膳
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "膳" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 饭食。 (Meals.)
2. 进食。 (Eating.)
1. 饭食:~食。用~。~宿。
(Meals: breakfast, to serve meals, meal accommodations.)
2. 进食:“宰夫~稻于梁西”。
(Eating: "The butler prepared rice on the west of the beam.")
1. 《说文》:膳,具食也。
("Shuowen"): 膳 means to provide food.
2. 《广雅》:膳,肉也。
("Guangya"): 膳 refers to meat.
3. 《周礼·膳夫》:掌王之食饮膳羞。 注:“膳,牲肉也。”
("Zhouli"): The food official manages the king's meals. Note: "膳 refers to sacrificial meat."
4. 《仪礼·士相见礼》:徧尝膳。
("Yili"): To savor the meal when greeting a gentleman.
5. 《礼记·玉藻》:膳于君。 注:“膳,美食也。”
("Liji"): To serve the king. Note: "膳 means fine food."
6. 《庄子》:具太牢以为膳。
("Zhuangzi"): Prepare a grand feast as a meal.
又如: 早膳; 供给膳宿; 膳部员外郎(唐代礼部专管膳食的长官之一); 膳服(饮食和服用); 膳羞(美味的食品); 膳饮(饮食)。
(Examples: breakfast; provisions for meals and accommodations; an official in the Tang Dynasty responsible for meals; dietary and clothing; delicious foods; meals and drinks.)
1. 备置食物 ([En.] prepare food)
2. 进献食物 ([En.] present food)
3. 进食,吃饭 ([En.] eat)
4. 烹调,煎和 ([En.] cook)
1. 《汉书·宣帝纪》:其令太官省膳省宰。
("Hanshu"): The decree for the chief officer to manage the meals and meat preparation.
又如: 膳府(宫中贮藏食物的仓库)
(Example: meal storage house in the palace.)
1. 《仪礼·公食大夫礼》:宰夫膳稻于粱西。
("Yili"): The butler prepared rice on the west of the beam.
3. 进食,吃饭 ([En.] eat)
1. 《左传》:公膳,日双鸡。
("Zuo Zhuan"): The lord had double chicken meals daily.
又如: 膳堂(饭堂)
(Example: dining hall.)
4. 烹调,煎和 ([En.] cook)
1. 《周礼·天官·庖人》:春行羔豚膳膏香。
("Zhouli"): In spring, prepare fragrant lamb and pork.