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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "良", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "良", and master the standard way of writing the character "良".
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "良" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
良 [liáng]
1. 好: good
例如: 使~好。善~。~辰美景。消化不~。~莠不齐。
(e.g., to make good; good and kind; a good time and beautiful scenery; poor digestion; good and bad are uneven.)
2. 善良的人: kindhearted person
例如: 除暴安~。
(e.g., to suppress violence and maintain peace.)
3. 很: very
例如: ~久。获益~多。用心~苦。
(e.g., for a long time; to gain a lot; to be deeply devoted.)
4. 姓: surname
(e.g., a common Chinese surname.)
本义: 善良 (Original meaning: good and honest)
形声: 形声 (Phono-semantic compound character)
同本义: good and honest; kindhearted
1. 《说文》: 良,善也。
2. 《诗·邶风·日月》: 德音无良。
3. 《诗·鄘风·鹑之奔奔》: 人之无良。
4. 诸葛亮《出师表》: 侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费袆、董允等,此皆良实。
(e.g., "Shuowen": 良 means good; extracts from classical texts mentioning the term to illustrate its use.)
良好; 美好: good; fine; nice
1. 《吕氏春秋·察今》: 良剑期乎断,不期乎镆铘; 良马期乎千里,不期乎骥骜。
2. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》: 故作不良计,勿复怨鬼神。
3. 晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》: 良田美池。
4. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》: 赵之良将。
5. 《淮南子·人间训》: 富家良马。
(e.g., referencing historical works to show the positive attributes tied to the character.)
优秀: excellent
1. 《孟子》: 天下之良工也。
(e.g., "Mencius": the best craftsmen in the world.)
和悦; 和善: amiable; amicable; genial
1. 《荀子·非十二子》: 其容良。
(e.g., "Xunzi": he is amiable.)
大: big; great
1. 良鱼 (big fish);
2. 良枣 (large jujube);
3. 良器 (great talent).
吉祥: lucky
1. 良月 (auspicious month);
2. 良贞 (auspicious divination);
3. 良时 (favorable occasions).
和乐; 欢悦: happy
1. 良晤 (joyful meeting);
2. 良游 (enjoyable travel);
3. 良聚 (pleasant gatherings).
长,久; 深: long; deep
1. 良夜 (long night);
2. 良宵 (long evening).
通 “谅”:诚实,信实: honest
1. 《荀子·修身》: 知虑渐深,则一之以易良。
(e.g., "Xunzi": as one's foresight deepens, so too must one's honesty.)
1. 很,甚,极其,非常: truly; very
1. 《水经注》: 清荣峻茂,良多趣味。
(e.g. citing classic literature demonstrating the use of "良" as an adverb.)
2. 确实;果然: certainly
1. 《史记·赵世家》: 諸將皆以爲趙氏孤兒良已死,皆喜。
(e.g., "Records of the Grand Historian": all the generals agreed that the Zhao family orphan had indeed died.)
1. 首; 头: head
1. 《孟子》: 人之所不学而能者,良能也。
(e.g., "Mencius": those abilities that people do not learn but can possess.)
2. 首领; 首长: boss; chief; chieftain
1. 《左传》: 右无良焉,必败。
(e.g., "Zuo Zhuan": if there are no capable leaders on the right side, there will be certain defeat.)
3. 遵纪守法的公民: law-abiding people
1. 除暴安良 (suppressing violence and stabilizing peace).
4. 通 “埌”: 坟墓: grave
1. 《庄子·列御寇》: 阖胡尝视其良,既为秋柏之实矣?
(e.g., "Zhuangzi": did he once ponder the graves?)
1. 认为好: have a high opinion of; think highly of
1. 《左传》: 良司臣而逸之。
(e.g., "Zuo Zhuan": to regard ministers highly and give them solace.)
2. 能够: can
1. 《左传·昭公十八年》: 吾身泯焉,弗良及也。
(e.g., "Zuo Zhuan": if I disappear, there will be no one to help.)
3. 善于: be good at
1. 良民吏 (official good at managing the populace);
2. 良冶 (craftsman exceptionally skilled in metallurgy).