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to benefit / to aid / advantageous / profitable, (surname) / assistant / small
裨 [bì]
1. To add; to assist.
English: make up; remedy
Example: 大有裨益 (greatly beneficial). 裨补 (to remedy, to supplement).
裨 [bì]
1. To make up; to supplement (英: make up; remedy).
2. See pí.
1. 《说文》:裨,接益也。
2. 《国语·郑语》:若以同裨同。 注:“益也。”
3. 《国语·晋语》:裨辅先君、裨诸侯之阙。 注:“补也。”
4. 诸葛亮《出师表》:必能裨补阙漏,有所广益。
裨正 (to correct and supplement); 裨益 (to provide benefits; beneficial aspects).
裨 [pí]
1. Ancient inferior ceremonial dress.
English: second-class formal attire
裨 [pí]
1. Vice; subordinate.
English: vice; small
2. Extended to mean small.
3. See bì.
1. 《说文》:裨,衣别也。
2. 《仪礼·觐礼》:侯氏裨冕。 注:“天子六服,大裘为上,其余为裨,以事尊卑服之,而诸侯亦服焉。”
3. 《礼记·乐记》:裨冕鴵搢笏。 注:“衣衮之属也。”
4. 《礼记·玉藻》:裨冕以朝。
裨衣 (the inferior ceremonial dress worn by ancient emperors; also applies to the ceremonial dress of feudal lords); 裨冕 (to wear inferior clothes and a crown; a term referring to ceremonial clothing worn by feudal lords or ministers during visits or sacrifices, contrasted with higher-class ceremonial attire).
裨 [pí]
1. Vice; small.
English: vice; small
1. 《文选·为袁绍檄》:豫州授以裨师。
裨师 (a part of the military; a detachment); 裨附 (to assist); 裨赞 (to support); 裨属 (to accompany); 裨将军 (subordinate general).
2. Extended to mean small.
English: small
1. 《史记·孟荀传》:于是有裨海王不之。
2. 《汉书·卫青传》:得右贤裨王十余人。
裨王 (small king among the Xiongnu during Han dynasty); 裨海 (small sea); 裨贩 (small vendor).
3. See bì.