Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "跷", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "跷", and master the standard way of writing the character "跷".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 跷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "跷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 脚向上抬。
[En.] Lift up (a leg).
例如: 跷脚。
[En.] For example: lift up one's feet.
2. 〔~蹊〕奇怪,违反常理让人怀疑。亦称“蹊跷”。
[En.] Strange, contrary to common sense and raises suspicion. Also referred to as "奇蹊".
3. 竖起大拇指。
[En.] Hold up (a finger).
例如: 跷着大拇指。
[En.] For example: holding up the thumb.
4. 踮起脚后跟。
[En.] Stand on tiptoe.
5. 跛。
[En.] Lame.
例如: 跷足。
[En.] For example: limp.
6. 用同“翘”。向上昂起。
[En.] Hold one's head high.
例如: 跷生生迈步。
[En.] For example: hold one's head high while walking.
名词 (Noun):
1. 高跷。
[En.] Stilts. A type of wooden prop used by performers in traditional theater and dance, typically ranging from three to four feet high, or more than one foot for shorter ones.
例如: 跷工。
[En.] For example: a performer training basic steps on stilts.
2. 另见 jué。
[En.] See also: jué.