躁 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 躁
Stroke Order Diagrams for 躁
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 躁
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "躁" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "躁" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 躁
hot-tempered / impatient
躁 [zào]
1. Impetuous; not calm.
- 性急,不冷静:~动。~进。~狂(浮躁轻狂)。急~。浮~。骄~。烦~。性情~。
- Impetuous; not calm: [zào] activity. [zào] advance. [zào] mad (flighty and rash). Urgent [zào]. Flighty [zào]. Proud [zào]. Annoyed [zào]. Temperament [zào].
2. Very fast; rapid.
- 急疾;迅速 ([En.] very fast;rapid)
- Very fast; rapid.
3. Flighty and rash; irascible; irritable.
- 浮躁;不专一 ([En.] flighty and rash;irascible;irritable)
- Flighty and rash; irascible; irritable.
引 (In literary references):
1. 《说文》: 趮,疾也。 字亦作躁。
2. 《考工记·矢人》: 羽杀则趮。 按,今字作躁。
3. 《管子·心术》: 躁者不静。
4. 《易·说卦》: 巽为躁卦。
5. 震为决躁。
6. 《礼记·月令》: 处必掩身毋躁。 注:“动也。”
7. 《礼记·内则》: 狗赤股而躁。 注:“举动急疾。”
8. 《论语》: 言未及之而言谓之躁。 郑注:“不安静也。”
9. 《韩非子·喻老》: 重为轻根,静为躁君。
例 (Examples):
- 躁暴 (irritable; impetuous)
- 躁妄 (rash and reckless)
- 躁忿 (quick-tempered)
- 躁扰 (restless)
- 躁静 (restlessness and tranquility)
- 躁率 (rash and careless)
急疾;迅速 ([En.] very fast;rapid):
引 (In literary references):
1. 《素问·平人气象论》: 脉三动而躁。
2. 《素问》: 人迎躁盛,喘息气逆。
例 (Examples):
- 躁速 (rapid)
- 躁疾 (rapid; impetuous)
- 躁盛 (the pulse beats rapidly and powerfully)
浮躁;不专一 ([En.] flighty and rash; irascible; irritable):
引 (In literary references):
1. 《周书·谥法》: 好变动民曰躁。
2. 《韩非子·喻老》: 离位之谓躁。
3. 《荀子·劝学》: 蟹六跪而二螯…用心躁也。
例 (Examples):
- 躁易 (flighty; frivolous)
- 躁戾 (flighty and violent)
- 躁气 (flighty temperament)
irritable / irascible / impetuous
irascible / irritable / violent
keep calm, don't get excited / don't be impatient
fickle and impatient / restless / giddy / scatterbrained
jittery / twitchy / fidgety
rash / impetuous / irritable
to stir restlessly / to be agitated / commotion / agitation
to guard against pride and impatience (idiom); to remain modest and keep cool
short-tempered / irritable
free from arrogance and impetuosity / neither conceited nor rash / be not conceited or rash