Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "钤", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "钤", and master the standard way of writing the character "钤".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 钤
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "钤" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
钤 (qián)
1. 印章 (seal):
- 钤记 (an old type of seal).
2. 盖印章 (to seal):
- 钤印 (stamped seal).
- 钤章 (seal).
3. 锁 (lock):
- 钤键 (a. lock and key; b. metaphor for cunning strategies).
4. 兵书,谋略 (military books, strategies):
- 钤决 (referring generally to military books or strategies).
- 钤谋 (plans and schemes).
- 韬钤 (the combined name for the ancient Chinese military strategy books "Six Tactics" and "Jade Seal Chapter", also referring to military strategies).
钤 (qián)
Part of speech: Noun
- The original meaning: A type of agricultural tool.
- Structure: Phonetic compound; composed of the element for metal (金) and the phonetic element (今).
1. 官印 (official seal).
- Example: 钤干 (official with the seal of authority); 钤印 (seal).
2. 通“权” (related to authority): 权谋, 谋略 (plans and strategies).
- Reference: 1. 《淮南子·诠言》:以有常术而无钤谋 (To have a consistent skill without having a solid plan).
钤 (qián)
Part of speech: Verb
- To stamp or seal:
- 如: 钤印弥封 (to seal a document with a stamp); 钤识 (to make a mark with a stamp); 钤盖 (to seal); 钤别 (to mark for identification).