Definition of 「䳎」:
1. 〔乌鹤〕 Also known as 䳔鸮, 鵧䳎, 批颊, 杂札, 雅䳎. Refers to the current black-tailed bird of the order Passeriformes, commonly known as the 铁连甲 (Tie Lian Jia). In "尔雅·释鸟," it states “䳔鸮, 鵧䳎” with a note by Guo Pu from the Jin dynasty: “A small black bird that calls out its own name, known in Jiangdong as 乌䳎.” The commentary by Hao Yixing notes: “The sound of 鵧䳎 changes to 批颊, also known as 批颊鸟, and is another name for 鵻札. In "玉篇•鸟部," it states: “䳎, a bird that resembles a dove, has a crest.” In "札朴·滇游续笔·铁连甲" by Gui Fu, it notes: “In Yongping, there is a bird, black with a long tail, about the size of a woodpecker, that likes to inhabit willow trees. It sings at dawn before other birds, and continues to sing while roosting, which is quite pleasing to hear. Once spotted, the local people pursue and strike it, and the bird cries out and flees. The locals call it 铁连甲, and it is also known as 铁连枷 or 铁翅膀. According to "尔雅翼," it is explained that "乌力胜日而服于鵻礼〔札〕," citing "尔雅" which refers to it as 鵧䳎. People of Qin referred to it as 祀祝, and it is said that during the sericulture period, its morning song causes all birds to be afraid. According to Xu’s theory, this is the contemporary 雅䳎. The explanation by Guo states that 鵧䳎 is also known as "a small black bird that calls out its own name," and in Jiangdong, it is known as 乌䳎. Today’s 乌䳎 is smaller than a crow but can chase crows, colloquially known as the uncle of crows.”
2. Same as “䳔.” Referring to the 百舌鸟 (Bai She Niao). In "集韵·有韵," it states: “䳔, the name of a bird, also known as 百舌. It can also be written as 䳎.”