Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鳴", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鳴", and master the standard way of writing the character "鳴".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鳴
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鳴" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 鳥獸或昆蟲叫:chirp (e.g. 鳥鳴, bird chirping; 雞鳴, rooster crowing; 鳥叫, bird calling)
2. 發出聲音,使發出聲音:sound (e.g. 鳴響, make a sound; 鳴奏, sound out; 孤掌難鳴, a single palm cannot make a sound)
3. 聲明,發表意見、情感:redress (e.g. 鳴謝, express thanks; 鳴冤, declare grievances; 百家爭鳴, a hundred schools contend)
4. 聞名,著稱:be well-known (e.g. 以文鳴江東, become famous in Jiangdong due to literary skills)
1. 《說文》:鳴,鳥聲也。
2. 《管輅別傳》:鳥獸之音曰鳴。
3. 《易·中孚》:鳴鶴在陰。
4. 《詩·大雅·卷阿》:鳳皇鳴矣。
5. 《詩·雞鳴》:雞既鳴矣,朝既盈矣。
6. 陶淵明《歸園田居》:狗吠深巷中,雞嗚桑樹巔。
鳴管 (bird's vocal device); 鳴鳳 (the crying of the phoenix); 鳴雁 (goose calling)
2. 泛指發聲:sound (e.g. 鳴玉, jade that makes sound; 鳴琴, music of the piano; 鳴鞭, cracking of a whip; 鳴鑾, chime of bells on a vehicle)
3. 震驚:astonish (e.g. 願得燕弓射天將,恥令 越甲鳴吾君,"I wish to shoot the sky with a bow, humiliated that the Yueman makes noise to my lord.")
4. 申告:redress (e.g. 重者鳴官究治。)
5. 言說;稱說:say (e.g. 天選子之形,子以堅白鳴! "Heaven chooses the shape of the child, let the child express it with firm whiteness!")
6. 聞名,著稱:be well-known (e.g. 以其技鳴。; 以文鳴者。)
例子: 以文鳴江東 (become famous in Jiangdong due to literary skills)
7. 形狀假借為「明」。光明,明亮:bright (e.g. 里社鳴而聖人出。)