Definition of 「俌」:
1. To assist. Later written as "輔".
"相君俌位惟忠。" — From "古今逸史•三墳•歸藏易" (Gujin Yishi, Three Graves, Returning to the Book of Changes).
2. Same basic meaning as "輔", referring to a vehicle that supports a person’s cheeks. — From "说文" (Shuowen Jiezi).
Note: It should be understood as a wooden frame for a cart, like the support of a vehicle. — From "吕氏春秋·权勋" (Luxi Chunqiu, Authority and Merit).
"輔", a small wooden piece. — From "尔雅" (Eyaclass).
Note: The small wood that supports a cart. After the cart is loaded, then it discards the supports. — From "诗·小雅·正目" (Book of Songs, Lesser雅, Correct Eyes).
3. An assistant. "The general is the support of the state." — From "孙子·谋攻" (Sunzi, On Strategy).
4. Refers to the cheeks. The saying "the辅车相依,唇亡齿寒" (the support vehicles depend on each other; if the lips are gone, the teeth feel cold) refers to the states of Yu and Guo. — From "左传·僖公五年" (Zuo Zhuan, Fifth Year of Duke Xi).