Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "俛", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "俛", and master the standard way of writing the character "俛".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 俛
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "俛" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
俛 [fǔ]
1. Same as "俯". To bend down; to lower one's head.
2. (Variant of 俯)
3. Same as "俯". To bend down; to lower one's head.
同“俯”。屈身;低头 ([En.] bend)
4. An honorific term used historically for superiors or elders.
旧时对上级或尊长的敬词 ([En.] submit to).
5. Also refer to "miǎn".
另见 miǎn
形容词 [Adjective]
1. Same as "勉". Diligent.
通“勉”。勤勉 ([En.] diligent)
引 [Reference]
1. From "考工记·矢人": 前弱则俛。
(Classical Chinese reference)
例 [Example]
1. For example: 俛伏 (bend down); 俛仰 (lower and raise one's head); 俛拾仰取 (describing extreme diligence and frugality); 俛眄 (looking down obliquely); 俛首 (lowering one's head).
引 [Reference]
1. From Yu Ji's "New Changchuan Revamped Confucian Temple Inscription": 诚其道也,不敢不俛焉以尽其力。
(Classical Chinese reference)
例 [Example]
1. For example: 僶俛 (diligent, persistent).
形容词 [Adjective]
1. Diligent, persistent. Same as "勉".
形容词 勤劳、努力。同「勉」。
《礼记.表记》: 「俛焉日有孳孳,毙而后已。」
(Quote from "Book of Rites")