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緜 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 緜

緜 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 緜

緜 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 緜

Pinyin mián
15 strokes
「緜」 1. Continuous and unbroken; closely connected. 連綿不斷;聯結細密。 2. Long-lasting. 久遠。 3. To twine or coil. 纏繞。 4. Silk fluff; new cotton-like material. 絲綿;新絮。 5. Refers to materials that resemble silk fluff. 指絲絮狀物。 6. Small. 小。 7. Weak; soft. 薄弱;軟弱。 8. Overlapping each other. 相覆蓋。 9. Tugging ropes or cords. 牽引繩索。 10. Fence; to enclose. 籬落;圍繞。 11. Cotton tree (Bombax ceiba). 木棉樹。 12. An ancient geographical name, referring to Mianshang, located in the southeastern part of present-day Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province. 古地名,即緜上。在今山西省介休市東南。 13. A surname. 姓。 Silk fluff; a material processed from silkworm silk. Example from "Records of the Warring States - Qin Strategy 1": “A hundred leather chariots, a thousand pure silk embroideries.” 丝绵;用蚕丝加工而成的絮状物。《战国策‧秦策一》:“革车百乘,绵绣千纯。” Refers to materials like willow catkins and other silk-like substances. Example from Song Dynasty poet Zhang Xian's poem "A Youthful Song of Slow Tempo": “In the spring city of March, the willow fluff hasn't stopped drifting.” 指柳絮等丝絮状物。宋·张先《少年游慢·般涉调》词:“春城三二月,禁柳飘绵未歇。”
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