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僗 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 僗

僗 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 僗

僗 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 僗

Pinyin láo
14 strokes
Definitions of 「僗」: 1. Same as "勞" (láo). - 在《集韻•韻》中的解释:“勞,或作僗。” - Meaning: Refers to the same as "劳", which denotes labor or toiling. 2. A modal particle. Used frequently in derogatory terms in northern dialects. For example: "囚僗" (qiú liáo); "馋僗" (chán liáo). - Example from Yuan dynasty playwright Wang Shifu's "西廂記" (The Story of the Western Wing), first volume, fourth act: "舉名的班首真呆僗,覷着法聰頭作金磬敲。" - Meaning: This particle is often attached to insults or derogatory terms in the northern dialects. 3. Companion. - In 《集韻•号韻》 it states: “僗,伴也。” - Meaning: Indicating companionship or a partner.
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