償 Stroke Order
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Information of 償
to compensate / pay back / to recompense
償 cháng
1. 歸還,補還。
- Return, give back, refund.
2. 滿足。
- Fulfill, meet.
償 cháng
1. 歸還,補還:~還。~命。~債。賠~。得不~失。
- Return, give back: repay. Exchange one's life. Repay debts. Compensate. Gain is not worth the loss.
2. 滿足:如願以~。
- Fulfill: achieve one's wishes.
償 cháng
- 【本义】: 歸還,賠償
- (Original meaning): Return, compensate.
- 【造字法】: 形聲。从人,賞聲。
- (Character formation): Phonetic-compound. From 'person', with 'reward' as the sound part.
- 【义】
1. 同本義 ([En.] return; give back; refund)
- Return, give back, refund.
2. 報答; 酬報 ([En.] requite)
- Requite; pay back.
3. 補償,抵償 ([En.] pay)
- Compensate; offset.
4. 滿足,實現 ([En.] fulfill; meet)
- Fulfill; achieve.
償 cháng
- 酬報 (【英】:repayment)
- Repayment.
償 cháng
- 【本义】: 歸還,賠償
- (Original meaning): Return, compensate.
- 【义】
1. 同本義 ([En.] return; give back; refund)
- Return; give back; refund.
- 引創典:《說文》:償,還也。
- Xuanwen: 'Chang means to return.'
- 引創典:《廣雅》:償,復也。
- Guangya: 'Chang means to restore.'
- 引創典:《左傳·僖公十五年》:西鄰責言不可償也。
- Zuo Zhuang: 'The west neighbor criticized that it cannot be compensated.'
- 引創典:《戰國策·齊策四》:使吏召諸民當償者悉來合券。
- Zhan Guo Ce: 'Command official summoned the people who ought to repay to present their bonds.'
- 例:又如: 償債(償還欠債); 償付(歸還所欠的債)
- Example: Also like: repay debts; repay (return what is owed).
2. 報答; 酬報 ([En.] requite)
- Requite; pay back.
- 例:如: 償怨(報怨)
- Example: Such as: repay grievances.
3. 補償,抵償 ([En.] pay)
- Compensate; offset.
- 引創典:《史記·廉頗藺相如列傳》:相如視秦王無意償趙城。
- Shi Ji: 'Xiangru observed that the Qin king had no intention to repay Zhao city.'
- 例:又如: 償罪; 償死(抵命); 得不償失
- Example: Also like: compensate for crimes; repay for life; gain is not worth the loss.
4. 滿足,實現 ([En.] fulfill; meet)
- Fulfill; achieve.
- 例:如: 償願(實現心願); 如願以償
- Example: Such as: fulfill a wish; as wished.
償 cháng
- 酬報 (【英】:repayment)
- Repayment.
- 例:如: 無償
- Example: Such as: without charge.