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养 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 养

养 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 养

养 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 养

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 养

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 养

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "养" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 养 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "养" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 养 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 养

Pinyin yǎng
9 strokes
give birth / keep (pets) / to support / to bring sb. up / to raise (pig, etc.)
bǔ yǎng
feed / rear
péi yǎng jī
culture medium
dìng xiàng péi yǎng
directed education
péi yǎng yè
culture fluid (in biological lab.)
fèng yǎng
to look after (elderly parents) / to serve / to support
jiāo shēng guàn yǎng
pampered and spoiled since childhood
fú yǎng
to foster / to bring up / to raise
fǔ yǎng fèi
child support payment (after a divorce)
yǎng zhí
to cultivate / cultivation / to further / to encourage
yíng yǎng
nutrition / nourishment / CL:種|种[zhong3]
yǎng chéng
to cultivate / to raise / to form (a habit) / to acquire
sì yǎng
to raise / to rear
yǎng huo
to provide for / to keep (animals, a family etc) / to raise animals / to feed and clothe / support / the necessities of life / to give birth
yǎng zhū
raise hogs or pigs
sù yǎng
(personal) accomplishment / attainment in self-cultivation
fǔ yǎng
to foster / to bring up / to raise
bǎo yǎng
to take good care of (or conserve) one's health / to keep in good repair / to maintain / maintenance
fàng yǎng
to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc) / to grow / to raise
jì yǎng
to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc) / to foster / to board out
yǎng jī chǎng
chicken farm
jiào yǎng
to train / to educate / to bring up / to nurture / education / culture / upbringing / early conditioning
yǎng fèn
wèi yǎng
to feed (a child, domestic animal etc) / to keep / to raise (an animal)
yǎng shēng
to maintain good health / to raise a child or animal / curing (of concrete etc)
tāo guāng yǎng huì
to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom) / to hide one's light under a bushel
xiū yǎng
accomplishment / training / self-cultivation
yǎng zhí yè
cultivation industry
hán yǎng
to conserve (e.g. water) / self-restraint / self-possession
zī yǎng
to nourish
rú yǎng
Input Method for 养
Pinyin yang3
Four Corner
Same Radical Characters