Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "煬", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "煬", and master the standard way of writing the character "煬".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 煬
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "煬" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. To melt metal. - 熔化金屬。
(清王夫之《周易外傳•説卦傳》:“金煬則液,水凍則堅。” - "When gold is melted, it becomes liquid; when water freezes, it becomes solid.")
2. To bake; to dry. - 烘烤;烘乾。
(《説文•火部》:“煬,炙燥也。” - "To scorch and dry.")
3. To warm oneself by the fire; to roast. - 向火取暖;烤火。
(《淮南子•齊俗》:“冬則羊裘解札,短褐不掩形而煬竈口。” - "In winter, one takes off the sheepskin coat and does not cover oneself with a short cloak but warms by the stove.")
4. To expose to sunlight. - 曝曬。
(《方言》卷十三:“煬,暴也。” - "To expose or bask in sunlight.")
5. To cook (food). - 炊。
(《莊子•寓言》:“舍者避席,煬者避竈。” - "Those avoiding the sleeping mat and those avoiding the stove.")
6. To obscure; to cover; to block. - 遮蔽;蒙蔽;擋住。
(《韓非子•内儲説上》:“今或者一人,有煬君者乎?” - "Is there someone who covers the lord?")
7. To burn. - 熾烈;熾熱。
(汉东方朔《七谏•自悲》:“觀天火之炎煬兮,聽大壑之波聲。” - "I see the flames of the heavenly fire burning, and I hear the sound of waves in the great ravine.")
8. To illuminate; to shine. - 照亮;照耀。
(《文選•揚雄〈甘泉赋〉》:“北爌幽都,南煬丹崖。” - "In the north burns the dark capital, and in the south shines on the red cliffs.")
9. To bake. - 烘烤。
(《说文解字.火部》:「炀,炙燥也。」- "To scorch and dry.")
10. To warm oneself by the fire. - 就火取暖。