Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "問", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "問", and master the standard way of writing the character "問".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 問
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "問" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. To ask for answers about things that one does not know or understand.
2. To inquire to show care or concern.
3. To interrogate or investigate.
4. To manage or intervene.
5. To request something from someone or a certain party.
6. A surname.
- Original Meaning: To ask, to inquire.
- Character Composition: Phonetic-ideographic compound. Combination of 'mouth' and 'door' sound.
1. To ask about.
同本義 ([En.] ask about).
2. To visit.
訪問 ([En.] visit).
3. To hold accountable or ask reprovingly.
責問 ([En.] ask reprovingly).
4. To inquire about someone's well-being or condolences.
問候;慰問 ([En.] ask after).
5. To take an interest in or meddle in.
過問 ([En.] take an interest in).
6. To try a case or interrogate.
審案,審訊 ([En.] try).
7. To extend to mean "sentence."
引申爲“判決” ([En.] sentence).
8. To investigate or look into.
追究 ([En.] look into).
9. To search for.
尋訪 ([En.] look for).
10. To inform or tell.
通“聞”。告訴 ([En.] tell).
11. To hold responsibility (may be expected to answer).
管;有責任(可能被要求作回答) ([En.] hold responsibility).
12. To demand bride price; an ancient custom of engagement from the man to the woman.
聘問;舊時訂婚,男方向女方下聘禮。源於古“納采”、“問名”的禮節 ([En.] bride-price).
1. A type of mutual visitation etiquette between vassal states during the Zhou Dynasty.
周代諸侯國間的一種相互訪問的禮節 ([En.] visit).
2. Referring to letters.
指書信 ([En.] letter).
3. An authoritative command, usually issued from a superior to a subordinate.
權威性的命令,常由上級向下級發佈 ([En.] order).
4. Repute or reputation.
通“聞”。聲譽 ([En.] repute).
Indicates direction or target, equivalent to "to."
表示方向、對象,相當於“向” ([En.: to]).