稳 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 稳
Stroke Order Diagrams for 稳
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 稳
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "稳" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "稳" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 稳
settled / steady / stable
稳 (wěn)
Meaning: Firm, stable, steady.
1. 安定,固定。
[En.] Stable, fixed.
- 稳步 (steady step)
- 稳定 (steady)
- 稳固 (firm)
- 稳健 (sound)
- 稳重 (weighty)
- 安稳 (peaceful)
- 站稳 (stand firm)
- 稳如泰山 (steady as Mount Tai)
2. 妥帖; 稳妥。
[En.] Appropriate, proper.
- 工稳 (meticulously done)
- 稳顺 (harmonious)
- 稳约 (reliable and well-regulated)
- 稳善 (suitably done)
- 稳吃三注 (easily gain everything)
3. 沉静; 稳重。
[En.] Sedate, staid.
- 稳口深藏舌 (to remain silent)
- 稳住架 (calm oneself)
- 稳住神儿 (maintain composure)
- 稳稳沉沉 (calm and steady)
4. 匀称,适度。
[En.] Well-proportioned, well-balanced.
- 稳身 (well-proportioned body)
- 稳称 (balanced)
5. 一定; 准定。
[En.] Sure, certain.
- 稳受 (sure to receive)
- 稳请 (confident request)
- 稳笃笃 (very confident)
动 (verb)
1. 蹂谷聚。即蹂践聚集的谷粒,使谷壳和米分开。
[En.] Trample on cereals.
2. 安顿。
[En.] Maintain.
- 稳住 (to settle down)
3. 诱使人暂缓行动。
[En.] Stall.
4. 忍受 (如困苦或艰难) 而不动摇、屈服或退让。
[En.] Endure.
5. 搞端正。
[En.] Get something upright.
6. 放,搁 (方言)。
[En.] Put.
- 将水盆稳在炕上 (put the basin securely on the bed).
stable / steady / firm / to stabilize
steady / stable / stability / to stabilize / to pacify
grasp it and victory is assured / to have success within one's grasp (idiom)
to go steady and strike hard (in fighting) / fig. steadily and surely
to be a cinch / in the bag / (of a person) confident of success
steady as Mt Tai / as safe as houses
steady / calm / unflustered
steady state / homeostasis
instability / volatility / lability / unsteadiness / fugitiveness
reliable / secure / stable / firm
稳 坐 钓 鱼 台 wěn zuò diào yú tái
lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation / a cool head in a crisis