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如 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 如

如 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 如

如 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 如

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 如

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 如

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "如" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 如 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "如" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 如 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 如

6 strokes
as (if) / such as
páo xiào rú léi
to be in a thundering rage (idiom)
rú tóng
like / as
rú guǒ
if / in case / in the event that
rú sàng kǎo bǐ
wear a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents / be grief-stricken as if bereaved of parents / grieved as if one had lost parents
duī jī rú shān
to pile up like a mountain (idiom) / a mountain of (paperwork etc) / a large number of sth
guān zhě rú dǔ
Spectators stood round like a wall. / There was a crowd of spectators.
lǚ xiǎn rú yí
lit. to make one's way through a dangerous pass as if walking on level ground (idiom) / fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly
rú zhī nài hé
What can be done about it? / What can we do about it? / What shall I do? / How can it be managed?
bǐ rú
for example / for instance / such as
rú cǐ
in this way / so
yóu rú
similar to / appearing to be
bù rú
not equal to / not as good as / inferior to / it would be better to
rú guǒ shuō
rú shì
bǐ rú shuō
for example / such as / for instance
wǎn rú
to be just like
pì rú
for example / for instance / such as
yǒu rú
to be like sth / similar to / alike
zì rú
unobstructed / unconstrained / smoothly / with ease / freely
jǐn guǎn rú cǐ
even so / for all this / be that as it may / still and all / such as it is
rú lǚ bó bīng
lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom) / fig. to be extremely cautious / to be skating on thin ice
rú lǚ píng dì
as easily as walking on firm earth.
xuē tiě rú ní
would cut clean through iron as though it were mud. / very sharp
xīn rú dāo gē
to feel as if having one's heart cut out (idiom) / to be torn with grief
huǎng rú
to be as if... / to be rather like...
huǎng rú gé shì
like a thing of the previous generation / as if it were a lifetime ago
qià rú
just as if
qià rú qí fèn
(idiom) appropriate / apt / just right
zì kuì bù rú
ashamed of being inferior (idiom) / to feel inferior to others
rú yuàn
to have one's wishes fulfilled