Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "犹", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "犹", and master the standard way of writing the character "犹".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 犹
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "犹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
犹 (yóu)
1. 相似,如同: 如犹。过犹不及。
- Similar; like: such as, "like" or "as."
- Example: "Exceeding is worse than lacking."
2. 尚且: 尚且; 犹自。困兽犹斗(喻濒于失败的人,虽走投无路还要顽强抵抗)。
- Even; still: even so; a cornered beast still fights (metaphor for a person on the verge of failure who still resists stubbornly).
3. 〔犹豫〕迟疑不决。
- Hesitation and indecision.
4. 〔犹疑〕迟疑。
- Hesitation.
5. 仍然,还(hái): 犹然。记忆犹新。
- Still; yet: it is still; memory is still fresh.
猶 (yóu)
名 (noun)
- 本义: 一种猿类动物
- Original meaning: A type of primate.
- 兽名。猴属,也叫“犹猢”,形如麂 ([En.] a kind of monkey).
- Dog offspring: 犬子 ([En.] son of dog).
动 (verb)
1. 如同。好比 ([En.] like).
2. 踌躇疑惧 ([En.] shilly-shally).
3. 通“猷”。谋画 ([En.] grand plan).
副 (adverb)
1. 还;仍然 ([En.] still; yet). 多用于书面语.
- Often used in written language.
2. 太 ([En.] too).