愿 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 愿
Stroke Order Diagrams for 愿
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 愿
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 愿
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "愿" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "愿" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 愿
sincere / willing, hope / wish / desire / ready / willing
1. 乐意,想要。
(Be willing, to want.)
2. 希望。
3. 迷信的人对神佛许下的酬谢,泛指许给别人的好处。
(The offerings made by superstitious people to gods and Buddhas, generally referring to benefits promised to others.)
4. 老实谨慎,恭谨。
(Prudent and honest, respectful.)
1. 《说文》:愿,谨也。
2. 《周书·谥法》:思厚不爽曰愿。
3. 《韩非子·诡使》:无利于上谓之愿。
4. 《书·皋谟》:愿而恭。郑注:“谓容貌恭正。”
5. 《考工记·弓人》:则莫能以愿中。
6. 《周礼·大司寇》:上愿纠暴。
7. 唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》:大府召视儿,幼愿耳。
1. 大头。
([En.] Big head.)
1. 《说文》:愿,大头也。从页,原声。宋公孙愿绎字硕父。
2. 假借为“愿”。愿心,旧时祈祷神佛所许下的酬谢。
([En.] Vow made before Buddha or God.)
1. 《大戴礼记·官人》:言愿以为质。
2. 《晋书》:众僧祝愿。
3. 心愿,愿望。
([En.] Desire.)
1. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:果不如先愿。
2. 晋·陶潜《归去来兮辞》:富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期。
3. 唐·李朝威《柳毅传》:又乖恳愿。
1. 情愿。
([En.] Be ready to; be willing to.)
1. 《木兰诗》:愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。
2. 《孟子》:管仲曾西之所不为也,而子为我愿之乎?
2. 希望(发生某种情况)。
([En.] Wish.)
1. 《史记·项羽本纪》:愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也。
2. 汉·刘向《列女传》:孝成王使括…为将,括母…愿勿遣。
3. 唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》:愿以闻于官。
3. 仰慕。
([En.] Admire.)
1. 《荀子·王制》:名声日闻,天下愿。
one's own wishful thinking
两 厢 情 愿 liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn
both sides are willing / by mutual consent
great aspiration / great ambition
aspiration / ambition / to volunteer
to wish / to want / ready / willing (to do sth)
petition (for action to be taken)
aspiration / wish (for) / desire
willingness / would rather (agree to X than Y)
cherished desire / dream / craving / wish / aspiration
delighted to (do sth, idiom) / perfectly happy to do / most willing to do
to have one's wishes fulfilled
to make a wish / to make a vow / to promise a reward
to have one's wish fulfilled
if only (sth were possible) / I wish (that)
to pray / to pray for sth / to wish sth / prayer / wish
things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)
to have one's wish fulfilled