喛 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 喛
Stroke Order Diagrams for 喛
Information of 喛
huàn、 yuán、 xuǎn、 hé
喛 (huān)
1. 愁 (sorrow). "喛,愁也。" - "Huān means sorrow."
2. 同“唤”(same as "huàn"), 呼叫 (to call). "喛,呼也。" - "Huān means to call."
3. 恐惧 (fear). "喛,恐懼。" - "Huān means fear."
4. 悲恚 (grief). "喛,恚也。楚曰爰,秦晋曰喛,皆不欲應而强畣之意也。" - "Huān is grief. The Chu use 'yuán', while the Qin and Jin use 'huān', both implying a reluctance to respond and a sense of oppression."
5. 哀 (mourning). "喛,哀也。" - "Huān means mourning."
6. 同“咺” (same as "kuān"). "咺,或从爰。" - "Huān may also be related to 'kuān'."
7. 〔啴~〕泣貌 (to cry appearance). "喛,嘽喛,泣皃。" - "Huān refers to the appearance of crying."