Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "尘", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "尘", and master the standard way of writing the character "尘".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 尘
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "尘" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
尘 chén
1. 飞扬的灰土。
(Dust that floats in the air.)
2. 佛家、道家指人间。
(In Buddhism and Taoism, refers to the human world.)
3. 同本义 ([En.] dust)
(Same original meaning: dust)
4. 喻庸俗肮脏或指庸俗肮脏的事物 ([En.] dirty thing)
(Metaphor for vulgarity or referring to dirty things.)
5. 尘世,人世间,俗间。又称:尘间;尘浊;尘市;尘域;尘堀;尘区;尘海 ([En.] the world)
(The world, human existence, the mundane realm. Also known as: dust realms; dirty markets; dust territories; dust oceans.)
6. 踪迹;业迹 ([En.] trace)
(Tracks; karma traces.)
7. 重量单位。十埃为“尘” ([En.] chen)
(A unit of weight; ten angstroms are referred to as "dust.")
8. 姓
(A surname.)
尘 chén
1. 蒙上灰尘,弄脏 ([En.] stain; dirt)
(To cover with dust; to dirty.)
1. 《诗·小雅·无将大车》:无将大车,祗自尘兮。
(Stated: "Do not bring big carts; it only gets dusty.")
1. 浮尘;降尘;灰尘(尘土);一尘不染;尘封(盖满灰尘);尘涓(尘埃与一滴水。比喻细微);尘芥(尘土与草芥。比喻无价值的东西);尘沙(因风飞扬的灰沙)
(Examples: floating dust; settling dust; gray dust (dust); spotless; dust-sealed (covered with dust); particle of dust (dust and a drop of water, metaphor for something minute); trivial (dust and weed, metaphor for trivial things); dust and sand (dust carried by the wind).)
2. 又如:尘颜(尘容);尘黩(玷污);尘面(尘污的脸面);尘目
(Other examples: dusty face; to defile; a dusty appearance; dusty eyes.)